Military matters

Civil Engineers’ Corner

Fire hydrant flow test
The 786th Civil Engineer Squadron Water Plant personnel will perform annual fire hydrant flow tests in the Military Family Housing area on Ramstein from Monday to around May 13. Flow testing may cause rust particles to dislodge in water mains. This is not a health concern; however
residents should run water faucets until they run clear and run the washing machine through a rinse cycle to ensure rust does not stain laundry. Flow testing will continue on other areas of the base until approximately June 24. For details, call 489-7703.

Road closure
Due to unauthorized increase in POV traffic within the restricted area of the south perimeter road, all personnel are reminded that portions of the southern perimeter road encompassing the 86th Munitions Squadron are restricted to all personnel not on official business with the 86th Munitions Squadron.  The off limits area is located between Bldgs. 2250 and 2503 and has been placarded with restricted entry signs. The portions of this road pose significant safety hazards to the general public and has been closed in the interest of public safety. Transiting this area is a violation of the installation commander directive and explosive safety standards. The restriction applies to all personnel regardless of method of travel and all recreational activities, including, but not limited to, biking jogging and running. For details, call the 86th Airlift Wing Safety office at 480-2590.

Construction Corner

Commissary parking lot closure
Part of the Ramstein Commissary parking lot will close Monday morning so construction can begin on the new addition to the store. The south half of the north lot will be closed from Monday through the end of renovation project in late 2012. Anyone who routinely parks in the north parking lot of the commissary is asked to avoid this area on Monday so construction crews can erect construction fencing around the area. The lot will have approximately 240 parking spaces available until the new addition to the east side of the current parking lot is completed around the end of April or beginning of May.