Military matters

First sergeants’ corner
I have seen plenty of colorful tattoos on personnel in and out of uniforms.  
Some make you think, “Man, that had to have hurt.” 

The following is just a touch of the current guidance explaining unauthorized tattoos:  tattoos/brands anywhere on the body that are obscene or advocate sexual, racial, ethnic or religious discrimination; prejudicial to good order and discipline or that are of a nature that tends to bring discredit upon the Air Force; and tattoos that are commonly associated with gang affiliations are prohibited both in and out of uniform. 

There is an exit plan for those personnel with unauthorized tattoos who refuse to get rid of them. Get with your first sergeant for further details and questions.

Civil engineers’ corner
The 435th CES currently has three openings for dormitory managers. To apply, applicants must submit a UPH Dorm Manager application and a copy of their last three EPRs.

If interested in applying for one of these positions, contact Master Sgt. Bradford Berry at the Dormitory Reception Center, Bldg. 2413, or at 480-3676.