Military Matters

Civil Engineers’ Corner
Energy Awareness lectures
As part of Energy Awareness Month, the 86th Civil Engineer Squadron is offering “Lectures for Everyone,” a 30-minute brown bag lunch brief, at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 28 in Bldg. 521. The topic will be “Use the Sun – Free Energy.” There will also be an excursion to the Block-Heating Power Plant in Kaiserslautern Thursday. Since space is limited for both activities, RSVP two days prior to the event by calling 480-3723 or e-mailing

New U-Fix-It Store
The new Family Housing Ramstein U-Fix-It Store, located in Bldg. 859, will open on Oct. 23. Residents may continue to use the current facility in Bldg. 532 until Monday.

To prevent damage to your personal property and your housing facility, please ensure all exterior hoses are disconnected from exterior faucets when they are not in use. With nighttime temperatures dipping well below freezing, preventing damage is everyone’s responsibility.

First Sergeants’ Corner
AF Fitness Program
The Air Force Fitness Program is getting a facelift.  The way we currently assess individual fitness levels has been in effect since January 2004. However, in January 2010, there will be significant changes to how we will assess your fitness level. 

One change is the weight of the run will increase by 10 points, decreasing the abdominal circumference point scale to 20 points. This places more importance on an individual’s run time.

There are also going to be minimal levels for each component, therefore you must ensure your fitness level is consistent across the board in order to meet minimal levels for each component. To find out more about upcoming changes, talk to leadership in your unit. Become aware quickly, and be “fit-to-fight.”