Mineral club holds fair in Freisen

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affair


Courtesy photo The mineral fair in Freisen displays various minerals, gem stones and jewelry 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday in the local town hall.
Courtesy photo
The mineral fair in Freisen displays various minerals, gem stones and jewelry 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday in the local town hall.

The Freisen Mineral Club will sponsor its annual mineral fair 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at the town hall (Buchwaldhalle), in Freisen.

“For centuries, the area around Freisen, Baumholder and Idar-Oberstein has been known by mineral collectors world-wide for its remarkable and beautiful minerals,” said Wolfgang Diehl, a member of the Freisen Mineral Club.

As in recent years, several exhibitors from various European countries, as well as from the local area, will participate and present their minerals and jewelry.

“Visitors can explore our extraordinary exhibition and be fascinated by of the beautiful world of minerals such as agates, amethysts, jasper, rock crystals and other quartzes,” Diehl said.

A special display will present minerals recently found during the construction of the windmills on Freisen hill.

The club’s mineral museum, about 200 meters away from the town hall, will be open to the public that day without an entrance fee. In many showcases, findings from the past 30 years can be admired.

Freisen is located about 8 kilometers southwest of Baumholder. To get to Freisen, travel from Landstuhl north on A62. Directional signs will be posted guiding you to the fair.

For details, visit www. mineralienverein-freisen.de or email wolfgangdiehl@gmx.de.

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