Mr. Manners_181

By asking a lady out on a date, the gentleman is demonstrating an interest in a lady and, by accepting, the lady returns the favor. The only assumptions on the gentleman are to be responsible financially for the evening’s activities, be on his best behavior and ensure the lady’s safety.

The lady is assumed to be polite and appreciative of the gentleman’s efforts. The lady must be gracious to a fault as much as the gentleman is to be courteous to his detriment. Pleasant conversation in which both parties talk and listen should never degenerate into an interminable monologue of one’s accomplishments or another’s previous dates.

The goal is not to “paint the town red” and spend a ridiculous amount of the gentleman’s money. Rather, it is to learn whether an initial mutual interest is worth pursuing further.

Mr. Manners is a recurring feature in the KA, courtesy of Lt. Col. Daniel Bruzzini.