National Defense Authorization Act to deactivate by Jan. 1, 2012

The National Defense Authorization Act has repealed NSPS to deactivate by Jan. 1, 2012. Air Force civilian human resource specialists and subject matter experts are hard at work behind the scenes in preparation of this enterprising Department of Defense event. 

Ramstein Air Force civilian employees are asked to increase their knowledge of the GS transition by visiting the DOD Civilian Personnel Management Service Web site at Once there, self-identify your training needs by taking the three computer based courses that will assist in preparing for a smooth transition back to the GS system — GS-101, Classifying Positions under GS:  A Primer for Supervisors and  Performance Management: A Tool to Achieve Results.

To receive credit for the NSPS courses, visit the AFMC NSPS Transition Community of Practice Web site at Taking the courses through the CoP will automatically update employees’ training records in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System.  Employees may also take the courses online via non-CAC computers and still receive DCPDS credit by using the AF Portal URL

If you have already taken the course on the CPMS site, you can update your training record via My BIZ.  

Air Force managers, are you trying to gain insight on civilian employee performance as we transition from NSPS to GS? The Department of Defense Civilian Personnel Management Service Web site has up to date information and several quick training tools and aids for supervisors. Start the conversation with your employee now.