New CASF provides support for members

Airman 1st Class Nicole Spence
Kaiserslautern American

The new Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility’s ribbon cutting ceremony was held Monday. The official opening of the facility also marked the first step toward opening the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center again to local fitness seekers.

Patients actually made the transition days earlier from the fitness center to the new facility, paving the way to an open gym.

“We are in the process of opening the entire fitness center right now. It should be done by mid-January,” said Lt. Col. Barbara Stewart, 86th Services Squadron, Combat Support Flight commander.

Although the whole facility will be open soon, in May the basketball and volleyball court will be closed to members for about a month to re-finish the floors, said Colonel Stewart.

The opening of Ramstein gym is only one benefit the new staging facility provides.

“The purpose of CASF is to give transiting patients, wounded or ill, somewhere to wait and prepare for transportation to more definitive places of care. With the help of the United Service Organizations, it will also provide a warm reception and well-deserved hospitality to those in need,” said Lt. Col. Richard Reusch, Aeromedical Staging Facility Flight commander.

While there, patients will be given an outlet of support to share experiences only forward deployed troops can relate to. Members will also be able to call loved ones, send e-mails and start the process of returning to their homes.

From the dust of the earth to the finish of the paint, the CASF only took two months to construct and stands with 12,000 square feet, according to Colonel Reusch.

Commanding a full staff of 100 to manage the new facility (Bldg. 2112), 74 of those are deployed active duty and reservists, leaving 26 as permanent party. Those numbers consist of flight surgeons; nurses; medical service corps officers and technicians; dietician, pharmacy and logistics technicians.

The facility features an open bay for up to 100 standard NATO field beds, a USO lounge and separate offices for doctors; nurses; the observation, pharmacy, logistics and inprocessing room.

“This creates the ability to have separate working areas for each step in the process. The new CASF is a fantastic place for the patients to start their convalescence process as they begin their journey home.” said Colonel Reusch.

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