New custodial services contract to begin in KMC

Tech. Sgt. Ronald Muriera
786th Civil Engineer Squadron

A new custodial service contract for 86th Airlift Wing-owned facilities in the KMC begins February.

Civil engineers and U.S. Air Forces in Europe Contracting Squadron worked hard to bring about this new service contract.

How does this affect you? The new contract is based on the 2002 USAFE Custodial Standards, meaning some customers will see changes in the cleaning frequency. For example, an office that regularly receives daily trash pick-up may instead receive a twice a week service.

Another example, Military Personnel Flight is now designated a high-use facility and will receive increased services. And because of the unique nature of having USAFE Headquarters on Ramstein, special services required for several high-visibility facilities were identified.

While quality assurance inspectors conduct random inspections, a large portion of the surveillance will be based on customer complaints. People can complain about the service through facility custodians. The end goal is to ensure customers are provided with the USAFE standard level of custodial service.

The service contract section will brief the facility managers on the type and frequencies of cleanings included in the new contract.

Armed with this information, facility managers will know if complaints are valid. Facility managers will then contact the 786th Civil Engineer Squadron service contract element. The element will respond to each customer complaint, validate it, and if valid, request the contractor re-perform the task.

Once the contract is awarded, facility managers can request an electronic copy of the statement of work, task frequency schedule (by facility), and a copy of the quality assurance surveillance plan to help understand the contract.

For more information about the custodial contract, call 786th CES service contract section at 480-6919.

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