New experiences appear around every turn in Vienna

By Paige Norris-Miller
Contributing Writer

New***image2***Schönbrunn Palace is completely lovely. Its wide expanse stretches like a golden smile in Vienna.

The impressive Austrian royal family, the Hapsburgs, made Schönbrunn Palace their imperial summer palace. It is a real treat for anyone with an interest in Marie Antoinette and her famous family to see where she lived before moving on to the decadent French palace of Versailles.

The immaculate gardens spread out behind the palace, and the oldest zoo in the world – founded in 1752 – continues to delight the young and old.

The city itself is vast with new experiences around every corner. There are many libraries, gardens and museums, including the Museum of Natural History, which has an especially impressive array of Bronze Age artifacts. There are lovely paths that encircle the city and provide great views of the surrounding vineyards. The Spanish Riding School and the world-famous Vienna Boys’ Choir are must-sees.

***image1***Coffee is an art form in Vienna. There is a wide array of different ways to drink this international favorite, like adding liquor, cream or chocolate.

Accompanying the delicious coffee is the mouth watering display of strudels, sweet pancakes and “sachertorte,” which is chocolate cake with apricot jam. Sitting in any coffee house, reading or talking with friends is a way to spend a true Viennese afternoon.

Vienna is famous for many things: Mozart, Strauss, the Hapsburgs, the Danube River, waltzing and coffee. It is a wonderful Austrian city with so much to offer. Go and find out what makes it wonderful for you.

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