New Year’s resolutions review

by Lt. Col. Peggy Ann Milam
Health and wellness center flight commander

Just a few weeks ago, champagne glasses were toasting the close of 2012 and the beginning of a brand new year. This fresh start was the perfect time to reflect on the past and resolve to do better in 2013. The custom of New Year’s resolutions can be traced back as far as the ancient Babylonians. They resolved to return any farming equipment they borrowed during the year. Though the specific resolutions may have changed with the times, the tradition of making resolutions is still in practice today.

Resolutions typically focus on changes we want to make in ourselves and generally revolve around eating less, exercising more, quitting smoking, saving money, getting organized or perhaps just devoting more time to enjoying life. Sounds easy, but not so. In order to galvanize your resolve, it would be wise to heed some simple tips. For starters, as you are entering into the new year, the temptation may be to list all the things you want to modify but try to resist and instead, focus on two to three solid goals. Support these goals with a well written plan of action and keep in mind you can increase your likelihood of success by making your goals public and garnering support from friends and family, as well as the Ramstein Health and Wellness Center, also known as the HAWC.

How can the HAWC assist? The HAWC has a host of resources and equipment to aid people in reaching their health goals. The staff includes exercise physiologists, a health fitness specialist, diet therapists and a tobacco cessation coordinator, all of whom are subject matter experts in their respective field. Classes offered at the HAWC include Healthy Eating 101 (basic fundamentals of nutrition), HeartSmart (nutrition/lifestyle to promote a healthy heart), and running clinic (techniques and approaches to efficient, effective running). New classes you can look forward to this year are knee-hab, deep water running, intense intervals, back on track and performance training.

And, finally, the Human Performance Lab houses a bevy of equipment and tools to provide objective data in working toward your resolutions, such as your baseline status and progress over time. A gait analysis is available to optimize your running technique.

A Bod Pod measurement will evaluate your body composition, and a metabolic cart study can determine your calorie expenditure and maximal vO2. Also available is a shoe station to evaluate your foot to find the perfect shoe for you, as well as functional movement screening to assess movement patterns and identify any muscular imbalances.

How much does all this state of the art evaluation and intervention cost you? Absolutely nothing. That’s right, it’s free to any ID cardholder. So, what are you waiting for? Make the HAWC your first stop in helping you to meet your New Year’s resolution. It’s a new year and a new you!

For more information, visit the HAWC located in Bldg. 2117-A (by the tennis courts) or call 480-4292. The HAWC is open from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.