NSPS training update

Courtesy of the 435th Mission Support Squadron

Ramstein GS employees and supervisors must take the following courses as part of the transition to the new National Security Personnel System.

• HR Elements for managers, supervisors and employees (make-up session): Thursday

• NSPS Performance Man-agement (for employees and supervisors) training: today, Monday to Wednesday, Feb. 12 to 16, 20 to 23

•Being Prepared for Change (for employees): Feb. 20 to 23

•Conquering Conflict Through Communication During Change (for employees): Feb. 20, 22, 23

• Leading Through Change (for supervisors): Feb. 21

A complete schedule can be found at: https://afkm.wpafb.af.mil/ASPs/CoP/OpenCoP.asp?Filter=OO-DP-FE-04.

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