Nussdorf offers ‘Adventure in Red’ in vineyards

by 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Artists show off their skills and objects during the “Adventure in Red” taking place in Nussdorf Saturday and Sunday. Courtesy photos

Editor’s Note: This article was published in a previous edition of the Kaiserslautern American and the information has been updated to reflect this year’s event.

The wine-growing community of Landau-Nussdorf will start its wine fest season with the “Adventure in Red,” Saturday and Sunday. The local wine adventure trail lures hikers on a 2.5 kilometer route. Along the hiking trail leading through the vineyards, 10 food and beverage stations will be set up. Twelve local vintners will offer their red wines and gluehwein.

Hikers take breaks along the “Adventure in Red” hiking trail Saturday and Sunday in Landau-Nussdorf.

Hikers can take breaks and warm up in heated tents and near log fires next to the stations. Besides tasting local red wines, they get to taste regional delicacies such as pork roast with onions and garlic sauce, grilled goat cheese, exotic steaks, chicken, bratwurst, saumagen burger with sauerkraut, fennel burgers, goulash soup and tomato soup. Local women will serve homemade cakes and coffee.

Hikers can start at the north entrance of the trail, which leads along the 7-meter tall landmark of the community, the Kaiserberg fountain and through the Hochzeitswingert, or wedding vineyard. The trail is known as route of senses. Hikers will be able to admire, touch, play and listen to 20 sculptures and objects. Some objects will be illuminated at night.

Each year about 3,000 visitors enjoy “Adventure in Red.” According to organizers, visitors appreciate the staging of the landscape with arts, and learning about wine, its history and local wine growing. 

The food and beverage stations will open at 3 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday. You can also enjoy “Adventure in White” on the third weekend in May.

For more information about the event, visit