October focuses on domestic violence, abuse awareness

Courtesy of 86th Medical Operations Squadron Family Advocacy

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  This month provides an opportunity for our community to demonstrate its support for ending domestic violence and for the survivors among us.

To kick off Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the 86th Medical Operations Squadron Family Advocacy will sponsor a Speak Out Against Domestic Violence event. This event will be held from 2 to 4 p.m, Thursday at the Ramstein Enlisted Club.  You can show your support by wearing purple the day of the event, whether or not you can attend.

On Saturday, Oct. 24, the 86th MDOS Family Advocacy will also sponsor Resiliency University. Childcare will be provided for this event with advance registration.

Most often people correlate domestic violence with physical abuse. Domestic violence entails more than physical abuse. Domestic violence is identified as a pattern of behavior in which an intimate partner uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, and emotional, sexual or economic means to control their significant other in a relationship.

Domestic violence and domestic abuse are often used interchangeably; however, domestic abuse encompasses all forms of abuse that can occur in an intimate relationship. Domestic abuse does not discriminate amongst race, economic status, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or ethnicity.

Offenders may be well-known public figures or the seemingly nice neighbor down the street. It is highly likely that someone in your inner circle is experiencing some form of domestic abuse. 

Military members and their families are no exception.  Increased stressors and the unique culture of the military often magnify and increase risk factors of abuse.

The best way to help families manage these stressors is by providing information and support. The 86th MDOS Family Advocacy along with other base organizations provide services designed to assist families, especially during those challenging times.

One program now being offered by family advocacy is specifically dedicated to victims of domestic abuse.

A Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA) is now available to victims 24/7.   DAVAs provide private and confidential services.  DAVAs conduct risk assessments and assist with safety planning.  They also provide education and referrals to community resources based on individual needs and aim to empower victims. In addition, DAVAs assist with linkage to legal services and will provide support at legal and medical appointments. This service is voluntary and free of charge.

Everyone deserves to feel safe. If you feel unsafe and do not know where to turn for help or would like more information, contact the DAVA at 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370 or the 24/7 hotline at 0173-628-4624.

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