Off to America with the Night-Watchman

***image1***The City of Homburg, in cooperation with the German-American Friendship Society Saar-Pfalz, sponsors “Off to America with the Night-Watchman” Monday to explore American history in Homburg.

In 1781, the glorious German-French infantry regiment “Royal Deux-Ponts” played a decisive role when George Washington eked out the independence of the USA in the Siege and Battle of Yorktown, Va. Until today, the volunteers of this legendary unit are considered “unsung heroes of the American Revolution.”

Many years ago, this regiment of volunteers was recruited in and around the City of Homburg, amongst others, where its deputy commander, Wilhelm of Forbach, better known as the “hero of Yorktown,” grew up. 

The recruiting board found barracks, storage space and a huge military hospital there dating from the late 17th century when the famous French king Louis XIV (who also gave his name to Louisiana) transformed Homburg into an impressive fortress.

In the scope of “Yorktown Day 2008” a special evening event, “Off to America with the Night-Watchman,” takes place  Monday in form of a Baroque Soiree in 18th century style reminiscing the Siege and Battle of Yorktown in the former commander’s office and the old town of Homburg.  After a scenic introduction, visitors can taste typical food of the “Royal Deux-Ponts” and George Washington era, to be followed by a discovery tour with the night-watchman through Homburg.

In its old section, many original buildings of the 18th century give a living impression of an era that changed the world – along with amazing insight and a scenic outlook.

Because of organizational reasons, the number of participants is limited and therefore early reservation is advisable.

The cost of €9 per person includes the scenic introduction, various food samples and the veteran-guided tour through historic Homburg. For more information and reservation, call 06841-101-675.

Participants meet Monday at 7 p.m. at the public library (Stadtbibliothek/Stadtcafé) at the historical market place in the middle of Homburg’s old town (only a few minutes away from railway station and several free parking-lots).

The soiree “Off to America with the Night-Watchman” is held in English. “Royal Deux-Ponts” and many other fascinating topics are also part of the discovery tour “American Traces in Homburg,” which is offered continuously in English.

(Courtesy of German-American Friendship Society Saar-Pfalz)