Orchid Friends present show

Petra Lessoing
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***The Orchid Friends Barbarossa Kaiserslautern sponsor their first orchid show today through Sunday. The association will present a variety of orchids in cooperation with different orchid and special garden shops.

Anja Pfeiffer, the Weilerbach union community mayor and patroness of the event, officially opens the orchid show at 11 a.m. today at the Bürgerhaus (community hall) in Rodenbach. Ms. Pfeiffer will christen a newly cultivated orchid. Interested visitors will have the chance to buy orchids, exotic plants and accessories.

Experts will be available for discussions and to give advice.

The Orchid Friends association, which was established in April 2003, currently has 50 members. They meet once a month to exchange ideas, show new plants, present slide shows and listen to travel reports. At least once a year, they visit an orchid garden shop and every three years, they plan to schedule an orchid show.

The orchid show in Rodenbach is open noon to 7 p.m. today, and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Admission fee is €3. Children under 12 are admitted free.

For more information on the event and the association, call Jeanette Schütz at 06363-1695 or e-mail jeanette.schuetz@freenet.de.

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