Otterberg celebrates spring fest

Courtesy photos Otterberg’s spring fest opens at 7 p.m. Saturday on Kirchplatz in front of the Abbey Church. The Music Association Harmonie from Otterberg will perform followed by the party band Favorits at 8:30 p.m.
Courtesy photos
Otterberg’s spring fest opens at 7 p.m. Saturday on Kirchplatz in front of the Abbey Church. The Music Association Harmonie from Otterberg will perform followed by the party band Favorits at 8:30 p.m.

Since the middle of the 18th century, Otterberg has sponsored its traditional biennial spring fest, in turn with the old town fest. The community will celebrate its upcoming spring fest next to the Abbey Church Saturday through Monday.

The local mayor and Spring Queen Laura II will officially open the event at 7 p.m. Saturday on Kirchplatz in front of the Abbey Church. The enthronement of the spring queen will be conducted with the musical support from the Otterberg Music Association Harmonie. At 8:30 p.m., the regional and renowned band Favorits will begin entertaining the audience throughout the night.

Traditionally, loud gun salutes will wake up the Otterberg citizens at 6 a.m. on Sunday, then the Music Association Harmonie musicians will walk through the streets of the medieval village performing a musical wake-up call.

The parade will be the highlight of spring fest with more than 1,000 participants walking up the decorated main street at 1 p.m. Sunday. Wagons and people in costumes will present the colorful history of Otterberg. Lead by regional fanfare groups, Cistercian monks, Huguenots, Wallonians, and the former night watchman will also be a part of the parade. Spring Queen Laura II will follow the group in a festive horse-drawn carriage. Local schools, kindergartens, associations and businesses will form walking groups and ride along on floats, highlighting different mottos.

After the parade, everybody will walk to the festgrounds in the forest, about 2 km outside of town toward the village of Höringen, where festivities will continue. For those who don’t want to or are unable to walk, a shuttle bus will be available.

Various music groups from neighboring towns will entertain visitors in the forest. Local caterers will be in charge of providing food specialties and drinks. The children can do crafting or be entertained while the Kaiserslautern Zoo presents small animals. Customarily, the climbing tree will be a challenge for youth.

Spring fest will continue Monday as the music association marches to the fest area in the forest. Visitors are welcome to join the march starting at 2 p.m. from Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung, the town hall.

Again, the forest will turn into a fest area with musical entertainment, food and drink specialties. At 6:30 p.m., the fest will close out with a parade walking back to Kirchplatz in front of the Abbey Church. Here officials and participants will thank the forestry office for letting them use the fest area.

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The fest parade displays the town’s history starting 1 p.m. Sunday.
The fest parade displays the town’s history starting 1 p.m. Sunday.
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