Otterberg holds biennial spring fest

Petra Lessoing
Kaiserslautern American

Since the middle of the 18th century, every two years, Otterberg celebrates a spring fest. It starts Saturday and ends Monday.

***image1***The local mayor and Spring Queen Sarah officially open the event at 7 p.m. Saturday in front of the Abbey Church. Musical entertainment is provided by the Music Association Harmonie and Duo A&S who present some easygoing music before the band 7ty Proof plays rock music later in the evening.

Traditionally, loud gun salutes wake up the Otterberg citizens at 6 a.m. Sunday. Then the Music Association Harmonie goes through the streets of the medieval village performing a musical wake up call.

The highlight of spring fest is the pageant with more than 100 participants going up Haupstrasse at 1 p.m. Sunday. Decorated wagons and people in costumes present the colorful history of Otterberg – there are people dressed as Cistercian monks, Huguenots and Walloons, and noble people in horse-drawn carriages. Local schools, kindergartens, associations and businesses participate as well.

After the parade, everybody walks about two kilometers outside of town toward Höringen to the fest grounds in the forest, where the festivities continue. For those who don’t want to or can’t walk, a shuttle bus is available.
Three music groups from neighboring towns entertain visitors in the forest. Local restaurants are in charge of providing food specialties and drinks. Members of the local town council pass out special fest pretzels.

***image2***Children can ride ponies and check out a petting zoo visiting from the Siegelbach Zoo. Youth can test their skills and win prizes if they reach the top of a climbing tree.

Spring fest continues Monday when the Otterberg Music Association marches to the fest area in the forest again. Visitors are welcome to join the march starting at 2 p.m. from the Aral fuel station.

Again, musical entertainment, eating and drinking is provided. At 6:30 p.m. the fest closes out with a parade walking back to the square in front of the Abbey Church. Here officials and participants thank representatives of the forestry office for letting them use the fest area in the forest.