Peak Season for PCS moves

by Brian Muller, 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron

The busiest time for PCS moves, also known as “peak season,” is almost upon us. The 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Traffic Management Office oversees Air Force and Army moves for the KMC and now Spangdahlem Air Base.

The 86th LRS is committed to making every move a better experience for service members, Department of Defense civilians and their families. In the LRS, they say, “Early planning is the key.”

The LRS team consists of four Personal Property Processing Offices and one Consolidated Personal Property Shipping Office. In all, the four offices total 70 people, including military members, U.S. civilians and German civilians who processed more than 15,000 moves for 2012.

The PPPO is the office dealt with most often with PCS moves. Often referred to as the front office, there is one located on Ramstein, one at Kleber Kaserne, one on Daenner Kaserne and one at Spangdahlem Air Base. They assist with briefings, one-on-one counseling, reviewing the move request forms, pack-up and move dates, and answering entitlement questions. All DOD moves are now processed in the Defense Personal Property System. At Ramstein, the new Ramstein out-processing line will include PPPO counselors, so you can navigate DPS and complete the required work under their personal guidance.

DPS is a Web based computerized management system for moving the household goods of military members and DOD civilians; it automates many steps involved in military moves: pre-move counseling, scheduling, tracking, invoicing and claims-filing for household goods shipments. This eliminates the need for military and civilian members to schedule appointments at their base to arrange their household goods moves face-to-face, allowing them to make arrangements anywhere and at any time.

In DPS, you can log in and work 24/7, which allows you to do self-counseling and place your shipment and moving arrangements. Everything else is done automatically. You can do it from your laptop, from your work station, even from your living room couch using an iPad, and you can also track your shipments online, too. Afterward, the moving company agents will contact you directly.

To start the process, go to This is your way into using DPS and you can use either a username/password or Common Access Card login. There is also more
information on the website to assist you with the move.

Having said all of this, the real fun and most important part is this: Having your PCS orders is the key. The day you get your orders is the day you need to get into DPS and start your move request process. More counseling information specific to you will be available, such as car shipping, high-value items and the like. Once your application is completed and submitted, contact or go visit your PPPO for final counseling and signature.

Additionally, know that for the most part, the dates you request for packing and pickup can be met; however, as peak season for moves would indicate, this is the busiest time for PCS moves and sometimes, not all requested dates can be duly accommodated. If this happens, we would ask for your patience and a second set of alternate dates.

During your pack-up days, a customs inspector and, if needed, an agriculture inspector, will visit your home. Also, if you experience some kind of problem with the movers at your residence, do not feel frustrated or argue with the workers. Instead, call the CPPSO quality assurance inspector numbers (which will be provided to you when you come see us for final signature) and someone will come out to your home right away. At the same time, don’t wait until after the workers leave. Remember, they are being paid to provide you a service.

For more information, contact the PPPO at Ramstein, Spangdahlem Air Base, Kleber Kaserne or Daenner Kaserne. The contact information, hours of operation and addresses are also located in “The Find-it Guide” under “TMO,” or Traffic Management Office. Lastly, don’t forget is your gateway to a good move and having your PCS orders is the key.

Personal Property Processing Office
Ramstein, Bldg. 2106 (480-5509)

Hours of operation
7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 7:30 a.m. to noon Thursdays, and
7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays.

Missed counseling appointments:
Contact PPPO to reschedule immediately. Pack and pickup dates can change due to missed appointments.

Briefings in Bldg. 2106, Room 401
Spouses welcome. No appointments necessary.
PCS: 7:45 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays.
Retirees, separations, first time PCS: 10 a.m. Wednesdays.
Local move brief: 7:45 a.m. Thursdays.
Also on the Ramstein out-processing line.

Important information
Register at
Exceptions: retirements, separations, first PCS, contact PPPO.
Shipping alcohol, firearms or motorcycles, contact PPPO.

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