Planning ahead for winter weather

by Master Sgt. Donald Anderson
735th Civil Engineer Squadron

***image1***Falling leaves and colder weather mean winter is here. Last winter may have been mild, but three years ago, 27 inches of snow fell on the KMC – the second most in 55 years.

Those who were here know how important it is to plan ahead. It is important that you, your family and organization are ready to deal with the changing conditions brought on by winter weather.

One thing the 735th Civil Engineer Squadron does in the KMC is prepare a snow and ice removal fleet. We conduct daily run-ups of the equipment to ensure it is operational 24/7. Our snow removal team conducts continuous training on airfield operations. And faced with never-ending deployments, we have augmented our work force with fellow CE team members to ensure we keep the mission going.

Our focus is to provide safe movement to air and land transportation assets and provide safe passage to everyone as quickly as possible. We ask you to be patient and plan accordingly; add an extra 15 minutes to your daily travels.
There are so many roads and parking lots, it takes time to get them cleared.

Drivers need to take special caution around snow removal vehicles. These larger vehicles are less maneuverable and have more blinds spots, reducing driver visibility. If you find yourself behind one of them, keep back a minimum distance of 50 feet. This keeps you out of blind spots and prevents you from being hit with salt. Also, be sure not to pull in front of snow removal vehicles. With the poor driving conditions and the equipments weight, it may be difficult for it to stop in time.

Be proactive and ready for this winter season. Make sure your driving is safe for the conditions you are in.

If you are a facility manager, building leader or military housing resident, ensure your sidewalks, stairs, landings and ramps around your facility are clear of snow and ice. Your area of responsibility is from the base of your building out 100 feet in all directions. If you have a fire hydrant within your AOR then clear around it to ensure it can be reached by fire rescue. If you have overlapping AORs, then work together to keep it cleared. Get supplies ahead of time and be ready for that first patch of ice.

Only primary and alternate facility managers, first sergeants and commanders are authorized to sign out equipment and tools from the Self-Help Center. The Self-Help Center also has a limited supply of rock salt, snow shovels, ice scrapers and brooms to be signed out to your facility.

Let’s be smart and proactive this winter season. Get prepared so you arrive at work and home safely. We need you to keep this KMC mission going.