Originally designed for children as replicas of real, full-sized motorcycles, pocket bikes have become increasingly popular with adults during the past few years. However, operation of these bikes on public roads is illegal under German law.
***image1***German traffic laws prohibit the operation of such pocket bikes on public roads in Germany. American forces have extended this prohibition to U.S. installations in Germany.
Public roads also include private grounds that are open to traffic, such as parking lots and dirt roads.
Registration and insurance of these vehicles is currently not possible in Germany. Accordingly, operating a pocket bike on a public road will automatically lead to criminal charges for driving without insurance as well as possible charges for driving without a driver’s license.
Furthermore, an accident on public roads with a pocket bike may result in personal liability of the operator and possibly the owner of the bike who permitted the illegal use on public roads.
For more information, contact the Ramstein Legal Office.