Post office deals with holiday hustle

Story and photo by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Members of the 86th Communications Squadron post office unload and scan incoming mail Dec. 4 on Ramstein. The post office on Ramstein supports approximately 57,000 KMC members.
Members of the 86th Communications Squadron post office unload and scan incoming mail Dec. 4 on Ramstein. The post office on Ramstein supports approximately 57,000 KMC members.

Being stationed overseas for the holidays makes giving or receiving gifts a prolonged activity due to the great distance between Europe and the United States.

The 86th Communications Squadron post office is operating at an elevated pace this holiday season processing a plethora of parcels.

The daily delivery truck that would typically deliver approximately 4,000 pounds of mail to the Northside Post Office can deliver up to 25,000 pounds of mail during the holiday season.

The Northside Post Office processes the mail for approximately 57,000 KMC members, including the mail that goes to the Southside Post Office.

“We do our best to be able to fit every package,” said Senior Airman Benjamin Gonzales, 86th CS postal specialist. “It is very important for people to pick up their packages.”

Gonzales said making space for packages by increasing shelving space is one way the post office does what it can for customers.

When the space reserved for packages is used, the Northside Post Office resorts to finding space in unconventional locations.

“As prior service, I know what it is like to send mail while deployed,” said Ernestina Garcia, a post office patron. “The service is really good here compared to mail services elsewhere.”

The Ramstein post offices are processing a greater volume of post in an effort to ensure the timely distribution of holiday mail. The post office accepts volunteers year-round. Gonzales said any help with the hustle is appreciated.

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