Post office explains prohibited items

Postal patrons in Germany receive many products in the mail that are sent from family, friends and online retail companies in the U.S. The majority of the mail patrons receive are processed and made available to customers without interruption.

However, there are some items that are prohibited in the mail in Germany and could result in your mail being seized and detained by German customs officials.

Prescription and over-the-counter medicines, including vitamins and body building nutritional supplements when mailed directly to individuals are prohibited in the mail and cannot be imported into Germany. If these items are discovered during random host nation customs inspections at military postal facilities in Germany, customs officials will confiscate and detain your mail.

Customers will be provided a notice and instructed to report to the local German (Zoll) office to account for their mail. Patrons may be faced with fines, storage fees and possible legal action by the host nation when an import violation is substantiated.

For more information on what is prohibited in German mail, visit:

Postal patrons can also pick up a copy of the USEUCOM Notice 8704.01-R, Prohibited Import Items, dated Nov. 1, 2012, which is available at the Ramstein Northside, Southside and Kapaun post offices.

(Courtesy of Joshua Keenan)

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