Program RAMPs up, ‘re-blues’ at Ramstein

Staff Sgt. M. Davis
Kaiserslautern American

Ramstein begins a new program Monday to “re-blue” and positively guide airmen to acceptable military behavior.

Ramstein Area Motivational Program or RAMP was designed as a rehabilitative tool, said Chief Master Sgt. Martin Walker, U.S. Air Forces in Europe Headquarters Squadron first sergeant.

“It’s a tool for commanders to “re-blue” airmen, whose unacceptable behavior, if not corrected, would likely continue or deteriorate,” Chief Walker said. “(The behavior, if left unaddressed) could result in increased punitive and or administrative consequences such as courts martial and early separation from the Air Force.”

RAMP is a 30-day, in-resident program that commanders impose through Article 15 actions. Specifically, the program punishes and rehabilitates airmen, while providing a visible deterrent to others.

RAMP instructors consist of two permanently assigned supervisors – the program superintendent and the RAMP NCO in charge. It will be augmented with a cadre of four individuals (E-4 to E-6), who are assigned to the program temporarily for 120 days.

“The curriculum will be taught by subject matter experts from various base agencies,” the chief said. “People who meet the grade requirements and are interested in working as a RAMP cadre member, can contact their unit first sergeant for more information.”

The Uniform Code of Military Justice provides commanders with certain punishment authority. Commanders use this authority at their discretion, taking into consideration the offenders age, disciplinary record and the seriousness of the offense. Punishments under Article 15 may include a reduction in grade, monetary fines, additional duty and restriction, said the chief. Duty in a program such as RAMP has been a punishment option for commanders under Article 15 in the past: however, there hasn’t been a local facility to allow commanders to utilize this option. RAMP gives commanders another option for punishing and rehabilitating offenders. The program combines a rigid environment where attention to standards is paramount, with a curriculum agenda designed to educate and inspire airmen to succeed in the Air Force.

Lt. Col. Anthony Henderson, 86th Mission Support Squadron commander, said the program will benefit the Air Force.

“I’m interested to see how this new program will develop,” Colonel Henderson said. “It’s primarily a retention tool to help us salvage young troops and re-blue them. The more quality people we have in the Air Force, the better off we are.”

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