RAHS hosts Model U.N. conference

The Model United Nations Club at Ramstein American High School will host its fourth annual Ramstein Model United Nations conference April 18 to 19 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. The public is invited.

Participants from Ivanovo, Russia; Kiev, Ukraine; Prague, Czech Republic and American students from Kaiserslautern will attend. International students will be hosted for the week by Ramstein High School families.

In MUN, students take on the role of an ambassador for a particular country and debate the world’s most pressing issues. It provides students with the opportunity to step outside their own beliefs and see issues from the viewpoint of other countries.

Delegates from each country split into two groups: the General Assembly and the Security Council. Both groups  will write resolutions.

The General Assembly will discuss issues such as the link between illicit trade of rough diamonds and armed conflict in Africa, the strengthening of the power of the Security Council, the role of sports in the development of peace, the criminal misuse of information by governments and international security, reforming UN peacekeeping operations and protecting the environment for future generations.

The Security Council will discuss the question of genocide in the Sudan and measures to contribute to the establishment of peace in Iraq.

The public is invited to observe the debates from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(Courtesy of Ramstein American High School MUN)

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