Ramstein Airmen stand up for safety

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander, discusses safety concerns with Airmen, Nov. 25 on Ramstein. Airmen of the 86th AW participated in a wing stand down day where concerns about safety, on and off duty, were addressed.
Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander, discusses safety concerns with Airmen, Nov. 25 on Ramstein. Airmen of the 86th AW participated in a wing stand down day where concerns about safety, on and off duty, were addressed.

Safety was the topic of discussion for the 86th Airlift Wing Nov. 25 as organizations took a pause from normal operations to put safety into the forefront of their minds.

Ramstein Airmen organized and implemented forums covering a range of safety concerns, including motorcycle and private motor vehicle safety, as well as on- and off-duty concerns.

Commanders’ calls were held at the wing, group and squadron levels to address safety concerns. Discussions were designed to create an interactive environment for Airmen to share concerns and experiences.

“We have to highlight the importance of safety,” said Master Sgt. Troy Hoffman, 86th Airlift Wing Safety ground safety manager.

“Many people are only concerned about safety after a tragic incident, and we are trying to find ways to change that mindset and have safety in the forefront of people’s minds.”

A spike in mishaps toward the end of fiscal year 2013 made it clear to Air Force leadership that additional safety training was necessary.

“With proper education and situational awareness, we can eliminate these unnecessary losses,” said Master Sgt. Gil Leal Zertuche, 86th AW Safety superintendent. “Everyone needs to be aware of the outcomes that follow not heeding proper safety procedures.”

Standing up for safety and education puts safety back into their minds and can help save lives.

It allows them to reach out and impact someone with education and  training before something unfortunate impacts them.

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