Ramstein and Landstuhl host upcoming CLEP-a-thon

by Staff Sgt. Leslie Keopka 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Ramstein and Landstuhl will host their second CLEP-a-thon of 2015 Monday to July 17 on Ramstein and at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

The CLEP-a-thon is a weeklong testing marathon for individuals needing to fulfill requirements for their Community College of the Air Force degree. CLEP and DSST tests are options for testing out of the required class, saving both time and money.

Typically, appointments must be scheduled in order to take a CLEP. However, during the CLEP-a-thon, the education centers on both installations are offering walk-in appointments for any active-duty member, regardless of branch, as well as dependents.

While appointments are not necessary during this week, individuals still need to register for the desired CLEPs they wish to take. To register, visit http://clep.collegeboard.org/register/exam.

Participants need to print out their completed registration voucher and bring it along with a U.S. military ID card to the testing center during that week.

During the 2014 CLEP-a-thons, the education office tested more than 1,400 individuals, contributing to 650 Airmen earning their CCAF degrees.

To help prepare for the exams, academic advisers from University of Maryland University College Europe will be hosting study sessions prior to the event.

Contact a UMUC representative to reserve a seat in the study sessions.

Walk-ins will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
July 17. The Ramstein UMUC National Test Center is located in Bldg. 2104, Room 109, and the Landstuhl UMUC NTC is located in Bldg. 3701, Room 202. For more information, contact your local education office.

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