Ramstein Clinic going to electronic med files

***image1***The 435th Medical Group recently started training on a new centralized record-keeping system designed to replace patient medical files with electronic ones.

The Composite Health Care System II stores all patients’ medical information on a stateside centralized database and is expected to be fully functioning here by June 20.

“Up-to-date, legible and accessible medical records are vital to ensuring military readiness and providing safe and superior patient care,” said Maj. Darin Brown, 435th MDG Family Practice physician.

All new records will be kept as electronic files in CHCS II, an upgrade that military medical officials call a vast improvement to the existing system.
The benefits include the ability of doctors worldwide to view a single, up-to-date record for each patient, eliminating duplicate files and preventing doctors from having to “start from scratch” when paperwork is unavailable. Plus, the new electronic records will be legible and reduce the paperwork trail, said Major Brown.

The software implementation requires large numbers of new computers and printers and training for everyone from physicians to administrative staff.
The Ramstein Clinic obtained more than 350 computer components to support the new electronic medical record system, said Capt. Ruben Garza, 435th MDG CHCS II project officer. And Landstuhl Regional Medical Center staff also started training on the system in March.

Patients are asked to be patient as the clinic and hospital transition to and learn the new system.

“We will do everything possible to minimize appointment delays,” Captain Garza said. “But it will be worth it.”

All ready, 16 stateside medical groups have implemented the system.
The 435th MDG is the first medical group in U.S. Air Forces in Europe to implement the electronic system and other USAFE bases will implement it later this year, said Captain Garza.

By the end of 2006 the electronic medical records will span to all Department of Deference medical facilities and include dental records.
(Courtesy of the 435th MDG)