Ramstein Clinic starts

Ramstein’s 435th Med-ical Group initiated im-provements to TRICARE
Online and the Health Care Information Line, and established a new
Appointment Reminder Service starting this month. 

TRICARE Online  – Family Practice has re-worked schedules to
provide a maximum possible number of routine appointments available for
online booking. 

Health Care Inform-ation Line – Beneficia-ries can now call during
non-clinic working hours and nurses will have the option of booking an
acute appointment for the next morning.

Appointment Remin-der Service – Beginning at Family Practice and soon
to be expanded, patients will receive an automated reminder phone
call two or three evenings before their appointment. This
service does not apply to any Life Skills appointments. 
The computer will dial the telephone number as it is stored in Defense
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.

The Medical Group is working to make getting a needed appointment as
easy as possible.  Some-times the best appointment is no
appointment – the Health Care Information Line may be all that you

Regardless of how the appointment was made, the clinic wants
to reduce the No-Shows and late arriving patients to allow for
more care for everyone in the KMC. 
For more information, call Maj. Jake Van Sant  at 479-2689, Capt.
Pamela Ludasher at 479-2568 or Capt. Ruben Garza at 479-2504.
(Courtesy of the 435th Medical Group)

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