Ramstein FSC offers 18 finance classes

Airman 1st Class Edward Drescher
Kaiserslautern American

Managing finances continues to be a growing problem for military
members worldwide, and the Ramstein Family Support Center has classes
to help.

Whether it’s getting into debt, living paycheck-to-paycheck or lack of financial planning, the FSC has a class.

The classes now are averaging about 15 to 20 people but the head of the
financial programs, Christina Fornan-der says she would like to see
that number grow.

“Many people are embarrassed to be seen in a financial class,” said Ms.
Fornander. “But the truth is that not seeking help will only make the
situation worse.”

The majority of the financial classes are taught by Ms. Fornander and
she says her main goal is to make sure people know what they want to do
with their money.

“You have to have a plan and people need something to motivate them to set up a plan,” she said.

Financial problems can also cause major problems in military careers.
When Airmen start having problems with debt, this can cause security
clearances to be revoked.

“How you are financially shows how you could be in other parts of your
life, and people don’t want to take a chance on you,” said Ms.

With the various options offered by the FSC, people can get help even if they can’t work a class into their schedules.

One-on-ones are offered and Ms. Fornander has agreed to do unit specific briefings for 15 people or more.

“I have given briefings on the flightline with 300 people, so I will come
anywhere if they need help,” said Ms. Fornander.

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