Ramstein HAWC offers programs for YoAFF

by Maj. Lisa Tauai
Health Promotion Flight commander

This month, the Ramstein Health and Wellness Center is featured as the spotlight agency for the Year of the Air Force Family.

Many personnel do not realize the programs and services the HAWC provides are open to any ID cardholder (not just to active-duty personnel) and group classes do not require a medical provider consult — members may simply call the HAWC to get scheduled. In fact, the HAWC’s programs and services arm provides   the KMC with tools to maximize their overall health and wellness.

In addition, March is the Air Force’s Nutrition Month and is an excellent time to enroll in some of the programs and services outlined below:

Basic Weight Management Program: The Basic Weight Management Program is for individuals interested in weight loss and weight management and those who desire to learn basic nutrition and fitness principles for a healthier lifestyle.

The LEARN Program for Weight Management: This program focuses on lifestyle changes and healthy behaviors leading to weight loss that can be maintained over a lifetime. It is a 12-week, comprehensive, multidisciplinary program that analyzes lifestyles and behaviors that negatively impact weight and healthy habits.

Heart Smart Program: The Heart Smart program is a two-part class (with individual follow-up with the dietitian as needed after the classes) and provides lifestyle education and diet recommendations for individuals with elevated cholesterol levels. Individuals with existing high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease or those just interested in heart disease prevention are encouraged to attend the program.

Prenatal Program: Proper dietary and fitness practices are vital for mothers-to-be and the growing fetus. This program focuses on critical nutrition and fitness concepts that lead to a healthy mom and baby. This program is mandatory for all pregnant, active-duty members. Finally, participants may sign up for hands-on fitness classes structured specifically for pregnant women at the conclusion of the class.

Freshstart Tobacco Cessation Program: This American Cancer Society program is taught by certified instructors. The four-class program (plus follow-up sessions) is available for free to all ID cardholders. However, non-DEERS enrolled attendees will incur a monetary charge for their tobacco cessation medications. A new program kicks off monthly and on-line and telephone quit line options are available along with valuable resources on the Make Everyone Proud Web site at www.ucanquit2.org.

“Got Stress?” Program: This new and improved course began in March and is composed of a series of three classes with the final class entitled “Stress Reduction Through Humor.” The program is led by a mental health specialist and also includes a nutrition and fitness component. In addition, the program also provides an introduction to the newly revamped HAWC relaxation room, light therapy and aqua massage bed services.

Individual Appointments: Indi-vidual appointments with a dietitian or diet therapist do require a consult from a medical provider.

The following programs are specifically for our active-duty members, however, any ID cardholder can sign up and attend:

HLP (Healthy Living Program): This is a requirement for all active-duty members who receive a composite fitness score of less than 75 on their official fitness assessment. The program consists of three educational components: motivational interviewing, nutrition education and basic fitness principles. Members must attend the course within 10 duty days of fitness score notification. An AF Form 108 from the Unit Fitness Program Manager is required upon check in for the course.

BCIP (Body Composition Improvement Program): Individuals who score less than 75 on their official fitness assessment and have an abdominal circumference more than 40 inches (male) or 35 inches (female) must attend the first class of the Body Composition Improvement Program within 10 duty days of completing the Healthy Living Program. This two-session program teaches the nutrition principles needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. All members must have their lipid labs completed before the second class and will need an AF Form 108 from their UFPM upon check in for the class. Members must also attend a mandatory monthly follow-up until achieving a score of more than 75.

In addition to the variety of programs and services the HAWC offers, they also lead annual health observations and organize special activities in honor of these annual observances.

For March’s Air Force Nutrition Month, the following primary events are planned:
• From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Hercules Theater: Nutrition/Fitness Mass Briefing/Forum.

• From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 26 at the Hercules Theater: Nutrition/Fitness Mass Briefing/Forum.

• At 4:30 p.m. March 26 at the Ramstein HAWC: Deployed Family Members’ Wellness Night.

For more information concerning March’s activities or the programs and services that the HAWC provides, call 480-4292 or visit https://sg2.usafe.af.mil/RamsteinHAWC.