Ramstein High makes school improvements

Nancy Zagorski
Contributing writer

As part of the ongoing school improvement process, Ramstein American High School has developed a mission statement and educational goals. The mission statement, “To provide a varied and challenging curriculum that will allow students to be life-long learners and responsible participants in a global community” provides the foundation for the broad educational decisions made within the school.

The two educational goals serve to focus activities within each classroom or activity. Goal No. 1 is “All students will increase their analyzing information skills across the curriculum.” At our school, analyzing information is characterized by recognizing relationships and patterns. Goal No. 2 is “All students will increase their synthesizing skills across the curriculum.” At our school synthesizing information is characterized by the ability to summarize key elements in a concise manner.

These goals will be evaluated by the North Central Associate Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that accredits public and private schools. To be accredited, schools must meet high standards, including teacher qualifications, safety, curriculum, services, activity programs, and a school improvement plan. NCA will visit RAHS Wednesday to April 20. 

Parents and community members are invited to contribute ideas and expertise as students and teachers strive to reach these goals.  
Parents interested in serving on various committees ranging from technology to assessment should contact the school office at 480-6951 or e-mail christine.ford@eu.dodea.edu or jennifer.brumback@eu.dodea.edu.

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