Ramstein holds youth martial arts tournament

Photos by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
Travis Gentry (left), Kuk Sool Won instructor, and Manfred Bemme, Loveless Okinawan Karate Academy, explain the rules of the sparring division to participants during the 15th annual U.S. Air Forces in Europe martial arts tournament Feb. 28 at Ramstein.
Travis Gentry (left), Kuk Sool Won instructor, and Manfred Bemme, Loveless Okinawan Karate Academy, explain the rules of the sparring division to participants during the 15th annual U.S. Air Forces in Europe martial arts tournament Feb. 28 at Ramstein.
Jet Hazen executes a kick during the martial arts  tournament.   The event was divided into two main categories: forms and sparring.
Jet Hazen executes a kick during the martial arts tournament. The event was divided into two main categories: forms and sparring.
A trophy is on display as two competitors spar at the tournament. Over 200 students from martial arts schools around Europe competed.
A trophy is on display as two competitors spar at the tournament. Over 200 students from martial arts schools around Europe competed.
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