Ramstein New Parent Support Program offers support for families

by Carmen Schott
Family Advocacy outreach manager

There is a wonderful, free program at Ramstein Air Base, available to all U.S. Air Force families who are expecting a baby or who have a child under the age of 3 — the New Parent Support Program.

NPSP consists of a professional team of nurses who provide supportive services and educational support. Programs include home visits and parenting classes on topics including transition to parenthood and growth and development of children. These programs are designed to help parents learn to cope with the stress, isolation, post-deployment and everyday demands of being a parent.

Living overseas can feel isolating for many families, but the NPSP team can help alleviate many of these stressors.
They can come visit you in your home, on- or off-base, and can be a source of support for you and your children. They can introduce you to support networks in the community and point you in the right direction as far as play groups and educational programs in the community.

If you are a new parent-to-be, they can help you prepare for birth and know what to expect. They can help you with breast-feeding and preparation. Most of all, they can help comfort you by listening and providing answers to your most pressing concerns. You are not alone.

Even though you may be far from family and friends, you can rely on the NPSP nurses to be there if you have any parenting questions.

For more information, call the Ramstein NPSP at 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098.

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