Ramstein ORI just 81 days away

The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Inspector General will conduct its first ever Phase II Operational Readiness Inspection the week of March 28 to 31.  

“Units from the 86th Airlift Wing, 435th Air Base Wing and 38th Combat Support Wing will be setting the bar high for other USAFE wings to follow” said Col. Glen Apgar, 86th AW vice commander.  

“This ORI will be the first one for the USAFE IG, and we intend to showcase what Team Ramstein can do and garner that Outstanding rating,” added Col. Roderick Zastrow, 435th Air Base Wing vice commander.  

Due to the different missions each wing brings, the IG team will be evaluating at two locations, one here at Ramstein and the other at Zweibrucken air field.

To ensure the wings are ready, the 86th AW and 435th ABW inspections and readiness offices will hold three operational readiness exercises.

“These final exercises will hone the skills and put the finishing touches on our wings’ readiness and war fighting capabilities” said Lt. Col. Lee-Ann Perkins, 435th ABW inspections and readiness chief.    

Each ORE will be a 24 hour – three-day exercise stressing expeditionary combat skills with a heavy emphasis on ability to survive and operate.
This will include enemy attacks, chemical weapons scenarios and demonstrate skill sets for an expeditionary Air Force.  

The “Base X” ORE will include the use of the new 38th Construction and Training Squadron expeditionary training area and Ramp 1 across the flight line. The 86th Airlift Wing and the 435th Air Base Wing will be operating on an air expeditionary construct of D+ 31, “operate the airbase” scenario.

For “Base Y,” the 86th Contingency Response Group and 86th Air and Space Communications Group, will be exercising at Zweibrucken air field to demonstrate opening of an airfield, security, airfield operations and establishing initial communications; an air expeditionary construct of D+ 0, to “open the airbase”.

For additional details on the ORE ’s contact the Inspections and Readiness office at 480-5441/5572.(Courtesy of the 86th and 435th Inspections and Readiness offices)

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