Ramstein salutes its newest captains

The following is a list of KMC lieutenants being promoted to captain. According to the Air Force Personnel Center, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, they can expect to pin on this year.

Andrews, Matthew M.
Anthes, John W.
Auers, Thomas L.
Ballew, Edmund A.
Barron, Renee
Bauer, Lindsey A.
Bliss, Seth
Bogusky, Richard K.
Bollinger, William Brian
Botardo, Alex S.
Browning, Nicholas
Burkhardt, Brock J.
Buzan, Bryon C.
Caraballo, Nelson E.
Carlisle, Clint E.
Clark, Robert M.
Colon, Ricardo D.
Cosens, Lytton W.
Crockford, Andrew S.
Culton, Michael Jonathan
Davenport, Megan Ann
Deberry, Andrew N.
Elmore, Matthew S.
Fore, Clinton J.
Francik, Peter R.
Gordon, Patrick C.
Gunderson, Trevor R.
Hardy, Jason C.
Hearl, Christopher M.
Hewes, Daniel J.
Huntsman, John D.
Hussey, Daniel L.
Jarrell, Bryant M.
Johnson, John Z.
Juarez, Pablo Raul
Kirchner, Brian P.
Kirkham, Charles J.
Kissel, Jennifer A.
Kossey, Laura G.
Kruger, Chad R.
Kuhl, Christopher
Laras, Frank Steven
Lecompte, Chandra M.
Lopez, Orlando
Malloy, Kenneth
Moore, Drew W.
Mortensen, Landon Kimball
Nowacki, Timothy Alan
Ocampo, Alfred R.
Ondina, Paola S.
Pino, Yennisha
Redoble, Abraham
Roundtree, Kimmala S.
Rueff, Travis L.
Scarcelli, Sarah K.
Serrano, Katie E.
Soden, Jason T.
Stevens, Melissa Jane
Summey, Matthew R.
Surratt, Gregory R.
Trimble, Michael M.
Vitolo, Luke D.
Wallace, Aaron D.
Ward, Michael Edward
Washburn, Benjamin R.
Wile, Sean Matthew
Williams, Leithea T.
Wolf, Jennifer L.
Wunderlich, Matthew C.

(Courtesy of 435th Mission Support Squadron/Military Personnel Flight)

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