Ramstein spouse named AF Spouse of the Year

Capt. Jenny Lovett
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***A Ramstein dependent was named spouse of the year recently for her role as president of the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses’ Club and vice-president of the Children’s Learning Academy Parent-Teacher Association.

Cindy Roberts, wife of Capt. Clay Roberts of the 86th Contingency Re-sponse Group, will be presented the 2004 Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of the Year award from the Air Force Association during the Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition in Washington, D.C., in September.

“We’re all so proud of Cindy’s recognition but she’s only the tip of a huge iceberg,” said Col. Rob Kane, 86th Airlift Wing and KMC commander. “The involvement of spouses’ groups, private organizations and volunteers in the KMC is enormous, and this recognition is a true testament to just how strong the Ramstein community is.”

As the longest running club president, Ms. Roberts led the group as they donated more than $120,000 in scholarships to 65 high school graduates and 22 spouses of active-duty members and more than $300,000 to welfare organizations like the Air Force Assistance Fund.

“The spouses annually donate money to scholarships and welfare organizations,” said Ms. Roberts. “We feel that it is important to give that money back to the community and help in any way we can.”

Dana Marnin, ROSC vice president, characterizes Ms. Roberts’ leadership as the reason behind the results, “Cindy is organized, outgoing and gets the job done,” she said. “She’s friendly and charismatic. She brings people along with her smile-and her accent!”

Ms. Roberts attributes her success to the people around her and the more than 20 sub-committee chairpersons of the club. “Motivated, warmhearted, truly committed to the base and the Air Force, the wonderful committee chairs we have take my breath away. They are inexhaustible and have proven that by leading the spouses to raise more than $2.2 million last year at the bazaar,” she said.

September’s four-day bazaar had 155 vendors and more than 500 volunteers. Some of the money went toward Project CHEER donations and a pediatrics room overhaul at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center’s emergency room.

Not only does the committee donate money, they also made meals for the families staying at Landstuhl’s Fischer House and KMC families who were victims of tragedy. “Most people think we are only moneymakers, but it’s very important to us that people know we do so much more,” said Ms. Roberts.

The spouses collected and donated clothes for wounded at Landstuhl who arrived from downrange without any as well as arranging for TV remote controls for intensive care unit patients. More than 850 cookies were baked and distributed to 470 dorm residents during the first-ever Ramstein cookie drive.

They’ve pitched mail, made fruit baskets, decorated the Ramstein Officers’ Club for Christmas and assembled baskets for the Susan G. Koleman foundation.

But Amanda Pope, ROSC recording secretary, claims Ms. Roberts persona is what makes her easy to work with.

“Cindy’s presence lights up any room,” she said. “Her ‘can do’ attitude and her willingness to go the extra mile make her a pleasure to work with and someone I am honored to call a friend.”

Not only does Ms. Roberts lead the club, she is also the vice-president of the parent-teacher association at the Children’s Learning Academy. As such, she organized the first ever Halloween Carnival, a field day for more than 150 children and coordinated the annual Christmas pageant.

“The Air Force and the KMC are the benefactors of her great leadership qualities and integrity,” said Captain Roberts. “I am very blessed to have Cindy as my Wingman for life. She gives me unconditional support in regards to my career and she is a great mother to our children.”

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