Ramstein students Mix It Up

Erica Toth
Ramstein American High School student

***image1***Ramstein American High School students participated in December in the fourth annual “Mix It Up,” a program initiated nationally by the Southern Poverty Law Center, www.tolerance.org.

People of all different cultures and genre’s participated and met peers with whom they normally might not have associated.

This year’s “Mix It Up” was the best yet, students said. Junior Brandon Weathers agreed with the students in the U.S. Minorities class, who sponsored the event, saying, “I think it went very well. Participants did have the natural instinct of wanting to be with their friends and inside their comfort zones, but due to careful planning and constant observation, the student leaders guided students past that.”

Mix It Up is a program that all schools should participate in, said senior Shane Curnutt.
“This was a great way to expand people’s minds and have them look past the stereotypes that have been passed on to them from peers and older generations,” Mr. Curnutt said. “We were pleasantly surprised with the turn out – over 100 participants from grades 9 to 12 during seminar – and that so many of them thought this get together was worthwhile.”

Freshman Jon Hoge summed up the event like this: “It was an exciting experience and I would definitely do it again.” 

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