Ramstein’s JHNS is back up, running

by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Slide in your Common Access Card, type in your PIN and get your fingers ready to type because the Joint Hometown News Service program is now back up and running on Ramstein.

According to the JHNS website, their mission is to tell the story of those serving their country — both military and civilian. The program produces a variety of print and electronic news products, highlighting the accomplishments and worldwide activities of individual members of the U.S. armed forces.

“We encourage Airmen to share their stories, whether highlighting host nation partnerships, a promotion or receipt of a medal for achievement. We want them all,” said Maj. Elizabeth Aptekar, 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs chief.

What was once known as the Hometown News Release in 2008 has changed to the JHNS. So, what has changed you ask? As far as the end user (you) — nothing.

You still upload the same essential information like name, rank, job, relatives and significant event information. Don’t believe it’s that easy? See for yourself by visiting the Ramstein Air Base JHNS site at https://hnforms.dma.mil/presentation/lfserver/86AW.

Near the end of the form you can even attach a photo you would like to use, whether it’s a profile photo, official photo or photo on the job.

The service takes that information and creates an article, print or electronic, and submits it to a host of media outlets in the hometown of the member submitting. Each year, more than 500,000 individual news releases are distributed to the 14,000 newspapers, television and radio stations subscribed to JHNS’s free service.

“The Hometown News Release program is one of the most effective communication avenues for Airmen to showcase their accomplishments and achievements with family and friends,” Aptekar said. “The resulting media coverage connects our overseas and stateside communities together.”

Tell your family, friends and even your bitter rivals in your hometown what amazing opportunities you have been given by joining the Air Force. Find your way to https://hnforms.dma.mil/presentation/lfserver/86AW and start typing.