Beginning in May, the Ramstein Northside Fitness Center has offered a program that allows customers to access the gym at all hours of the night any day of the week.
This opportunity enables shift workers the option to work out during their down time, as well as those who prefer to work-out in the evenings or early mornings.
“I feel like this program is important for those who work shifts,” said Staff Sgt. Carol Elam, 786th Force Support Squadron fitness supervisor. “They have the ability to come in even when the southside fitness center is closed and are able to get their workout in. Everybody needs to be fit to fight, and you can’t do that if your fitness center is closed.”
Though customers are aware of the program, some have been denied entry when they scan their ID at the door. The locked doors use a technology that requires the customer’s ID to be registered into the system prior to usage. Once this simple process is complete, the fitness center is accessible at any hour.
“Customers can bring in their ID card during business hours, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday,” Elam said. “The process takes maybe two minutes. We have a set of rules for them to read over, and after you understand what you read, you’ll sign a paper stating that you understand, and then we’ll keep track of that.”
The program has proven to be popular amongst customers as there are currently more than 2,000 registered and rising each day.
“We’ve gotten a lot of positive comments about the 24/7 fitness program,” said Lt. Col. Michelle Tarkowski, 786th FSS commander. “In the states, there are gyms off base open 24/7 and can meet people’s needs. Overseas, we don’t really have that option, so we were very excited to be able to offer the same opportunities on base.”
It is very important all customers abide by the rules; only one person may enter the fitness center at a time, and the doors are not to be propped open.
The fitness center receives comment cards from their customers, and they highly encourage them, positive or negative. Though many people may not think their requests are being heard, the northside fitness center makes sure they are. Elam said one voice can make a difference, and the 24/7 fitness program is a prime example.
“I think the idea for the program came from customer requests,” Tarkowski said. “In 2012, six test bases were chosen to run through 24/7 to see how it worked. Last fall, they reviewed the results of the test and decided that it was possible and should be implemented throughout the Air Force.”
The program is open to U.S. military members with a common access card and people with a privileged ID card. The 24/7 program only exists at the northside fitness center.
For any further questions or concerns, call the northside fitness center at 480-8085 or 06371-47-8085.