Riding the rails in and out of K-Town

Sandy Paige
USO Tour Guide

***image1***If you’ve got to move on and catch the next train, then check out
Kaiserslautern’s newly remodeled Deutsche Bahn train station. Here are
a few features:

• A big parking garage on Zollamtstrasse, behind the DB (first exit off
the traffic circle with the soccer-player mannequins), offers 360
spaces on its four levels. The cost is €1.50 per hour or €4.50 per day.
The parking garage is open 24 hours a day. Observe parking procedure:
take a ticket as you enter, pay at a Kassenautomat as you prepare to
leave, and then insert your paid ticket as you exit. An office at the
parking garage exit is open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. to
2 p.m. on Saturdays if assistance is needed. 
However, be prepared to communicate in German. Two Kassenautomat are
available, one on the ground level  (designated “Ebene 0”) and one
as you exit the train station (both on Zollamtstrasse). Currently, only
Euro works, but in the near future credit cards can be used.

In addition to the large parking garage, an open, paved lot behind the
DB (to the south) can accommodate up to 44 vehicles. Payment for this
parking is also made at one of the two Kassenautomat for the parking
garage. The smaller parking lot directly across the street from this
lot is no longer open to the public.

• Covered stairs or elevators take you from the parking garage to the DB. 
“Zum Bahnhof” signs direct your short walk to the tracks and DB office.
To get to the parking areas from the DB, take the hallway in the bottom
level to the stairs or elevators.

• DB officials caution travelers that the city of Kaisers-lautern does
ticket and tow. Very few spots on the streets are open for public
parking and then only with a valid parking sticker. More spots are
generally available on weekends and in some areas weekend parking is
free, but you must strictly observe parking signs and regulations.

• You can pick up and drop off directly in front of the train station,
but parking is never allowed there. DB officials remind travelers that
the DB does not a dminister parking, and its staff does not deal with
parking issues.

•Other improvements include the area in front of the DB, which is now a
well-planned and executed bus exchange for the Kaiserslautern
community. Lovely fountains contribute to a pleasant ambience. Covered
bicycle racks for several hundred bicycles are available adjacent to
and directly to the east of the DB office.

• In addition, luggage storage, at a cost of €3 per piece, is available
in an area on the bottom level to the left of the stairs. It is manned
from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily.  

For more information:

•United Service Organizations offers train orientation tours, go to www.uso.org/kaiserslautern/.
•Get complete train schedules and prices at