RMS participates in DODEA’s Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Courtesy photo Ramstein Middle School representatives participated in a Virtual Town Hall Meeting which included (from left to right) teacher Sequinn Lee; parents Chaplain (Capt.) Matthew Streett, Jennifer Cline and Suzanne Villella; student Austin Brindowski; and Principal Josh Adams.
Courtesy photo
Ramstein Middle School representatives participated in a Virtual Town Hall Meeting which included (from left to right) teacher Sequinn Lee; parents Chaplain (Capt.) Matthew Streett, Jennifer Cline and Suzanne Villella; student Austin Brindowski; and Principal Josh Adams.

Ramstein Middle School was one of six schools worldwide chosen to participate in the Department of Defense Education Activity’s recent Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Tom Brady, director of the DODEA, played host to the hourlong Google Hangout event.

Each school selected representatives who put together a list of questions to ask the school system’s boss. The RMS participants included the principal; a sixth-grade teacher; three parents, one of whom is the school advisory committee president; and an eighth-grade student.

Sequinn Lee, a reading and language arts teacher, was impressed on how the DODEA’s senior leadership took time out to hear from the learning community.

“I commend Mr. Brady for his efforts to have a true connection with our parents, staff and students … provided an opportunity for DODEA stakeholders to voice their concerns, ask questions and inform the director about vital issues affecting our students and districts,” Lee said.

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