Rodenbach Run

The TV Rodenbach, which is the gymnast club of Rodenbach, sponsors its 29th International Annual Torch Run (Fackellauf) Saturday in Rodenbach. The event will feature a seven-kilometer cross country track, and a one-kilometer student track, open to children of all ages.

Registration will last from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the gym. The students’ run will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the main run at 5:45 p.m. The track starts with a warm-up for a moderate climb followed by easy downhill. It will be lit by torches, creating a unique atmosphere.

Starter fee is €5.50 for adults and €3.50 for students.
Prizes will be awarded to age and gender group winners and largest participating group. All children will receive a certificate. The award ceremony will take place right after the run.

Showers and changing rooms are available in the gym. Interested participants can socially interact with other groups and runners in the gym’s meeting area. The run itself, upcoming running events, track and training conditions will be discussed and might lead to further participation in the local cross-running organizations. Snacks will be available.

Signs will lead the way to the gym and parking lots.
For more information, call Marianne Konrath-Jalbert at 06374-3571.
(Courtesy of TV Rodenbach)