Saving water creates fluid funds

Courtesy of 86th Civil Engineer Squadron

Potable water by definition is water fit for consumption by humans and animals. Though often taken for granted, access to potable water is crucial for survival and necessary for the mission.

Installations within the KMC obtain potable water by either purchasing it from a supplier or through wells pumping water from the ground water reservoir.

Whether purchasing potable water or calculating the costs associated with production, it’s clear that water is an expensive, precious resource.

The water usage and cost for Air Force facilities and military family housing within the KMC exceeded 500 million gallons and $6 million last year alone. That doesn’t even include the wastewater treatment bill!

Every resident within the KMC is responsible for water conservation. Water saving initiatives will not only positively impact our ecological relationship with water sources, but will also result in a significant reduction of utility bills. Common sense and an active concern to save water will markedly reduce consumption without sacrificing cleanliness or interfering with your lifestyle.

Did you know?

• A water faucet left running can use up to 20 gallons of water while you shave, 10 gallons while you brush your teeth, and 2 gallons while you wash your hands.

• A continuous shower requires up to 12 gallons per minute, and a full bathtub uses 36 gallons. Wetting down, soaping up, and rinsing off rapidly uses only 4 gallons.

• Automatic dishwashers use up to 16 gallons of water; washing dishes by hand in a sink or dishpan requires only 5 gallons.

Make a change!

• Buy water saving devices such as water saving faucets and showerheads. Water efficient showerheads can save up to 750 gallons per month.

• Take shorter showers. Run water only for wetting down and rinsing. Put a bucket in the shower and collect water while it is warming for use on potted plants.

• Turn off the water when shaving, brushing teeth, or soaping hands.

• Run only full loads in the washing machine; this can save up to 600 gallons per month.

• Wash dishes by hand in a sink or a dishpan. Run only full loads in the dishwasher, and minimize rinsing beforehand.

• Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator rather than a sink full of water. Wash your produce in the sink or a pan that is filled with water instead of running water from the tap.

• Listen for dripping faucets and toilets. Stopping a leak can save 500 gallons per month.

• Don’t use the toilet as a trash can! Toss your facial tissues in the bin.

• In summer months, water the lawn only in morning and evening hours, limit duration based on expected temperatures, and if rain is forecasted, don’t water.

By empowering change at work, home and everywhere in between, the results will be real and measurable. Know the name of your facility manager and contact them if you notice leaks. For more information, visit or contact your KMC Asset Optimization Team at 480-7712.

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