School Days

Charging the line
Josef Müller, 435th Civil Engineering Squadron district chief, helps
Alex S. Morales, 7, Kaiserslautern American Elementary School
second-grader, discharge a fire hose Oct. 13 at the 435th CES Fire
Station 5 on Vogelweh in Kaiserslautern. This visit to the fire station
by Monica Riveron’s second-grade class was in recognition of Fire
Prevention Week, Oct. 9 to 15.

Stayin’ alive
Ramstein American High School Royal dance team members Diana Alvarado
and Mandy Covington perform recently during halftime of a football
game. The dancers, who choreograhph their own routines, perform at
Varsity football games.

Homecoming week
Kaiserslautern American High School students Harrison Hayes, sophomore,
Sarah Guidry, senior, James Jones, sophomore and Jasmine Jones, senior,
celebrate Homecoming Week Oct.10 to14 with “pajama day.” Spirit week
included tacky day, Hollywood day and red, white and blue day. The week
ended with a parade and fooball game against the Ramstein Royals Oct.

School Spirit
Kaiserslautern American Middle School eighth-grader Lindsey Bowker
shows her school spirit during “crazy hair day,” as part of spirit week
Oct. 17-21. Spirit week was sponsored by the Parent Teacher Student

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