Self help provides recycling containers

***image1***The 435th Environmental Management Flight has teamed up with the Ramstein Self Help Store to provide new office-paper recycling containers. Building managers may pick one small blue container per person in their facility and one large container for every 10 to 15 people. The Ramstein Self Help Store is located on the north side of base in Bldg. 510, and can be reached at 480-5035.
Contact your building manager with your numbers so everyone can begin recycling as soon as possible. Once full, containers can be emptied at any of the KMC recycling centers, open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
For questions, call Thomas Weber or Capt. Ann-Marie Doerhoff at 480-5086. Because of limited storage at Self Help, pick-up of 15 of more blue containers must be arranged with Mr. Weber.
(Courtesy of 435th Civil Engineer Group)