Simple steps to help you improve communication with your children

by Capt. Erika Best

Family Advocacy officer

When asked what the key to success is in building healthy relationships, many people will answer “communication.”

In fact, statistics from the Family Advocacy Program show that 75 percent of Air Force families who experienced child maltreatment in the 2009 fiscal year identified communication as their No. 1 problem area. At Ramstein, 91 percent of families reported this as their greatest concern. 

Shelia Ellison and Barbara Barrett, the authors of “365 Ways to Help Your Children Grow,” state that good communication within a family ensures that “problems get solved, ideas get heard, feelings are expressed and intimacy grows.” Here are some simple steps you can take to improve communication and express love within your home.

Actively Listen:
Listening is the most crucial and often underestimated part of communication. Whether talking with your spouse or your toddler, it is important to give them your full attention. Avoid distraction by turning off the television. Pay attention to their feelings and body language. Giving the child your full attention shows that you value what they have to say.

When a subject is particularly sensitive it is helpful to paraphrase what you heard and say it back before offering your own opinion. Doing so expresses understanding or helps you to clarify miscommunications. Paraphrasing also conveys empathy. Empathy is essential because it shows that you acknowledge the child’s feelings, even if you do not agree with their comments.

Make Time to Talk:
The busy life of a military family can make it difficult to find quality time to build relationships. Being present is a sign to your children that you care for them and helps them to feel secure. A study at Michigan State University showed that 79 percent of parents in a communication study said they were communicating with their teens. However, only 19 percent of the children agreed. So make the most of the time you have. Shut off the radio in the car and talk with your children. Take short walks together.  Let your child sit in the kitchen with you and talk about their day while you cook.

Express Love Daily:
Expressing love is not only about saying the words “I love you,” it is also about demonstrating it. Children need affection and encouragement, but also need to see affection between their parents. Give hugs and kisses freely. Take time to praise your children for the things they accomplish each day. Lastly, play together. Making time for fun is an important part of keeping every family healthy and cohesive.  
For more family fun ideas, look in the Kaiserslautern American for several upcoming events in honor of Month of the Military Child/Child Abuse Prevention Month.

For more tips, call the Family Advocacy Program at 06371- 46-2370.