Soldiers, families enjoy food, fun during organizational day

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett
21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs
Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 21st Special Troops Battalion prepare  to sumo wrestle each other while wearing 50-pound sumo suits Sept. 6 during the 21st STB  organizational day at Pulaski Park on Vogelweh Military Complex.
Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 21st Special Troops Battalion prepare to sumo wrestle each other while wearing 50-pound sumo suits Sept. 6 during the 21st STB organizational day at Pulaski Park on Vogelweh Military Complex.

Soldiers, families and friends of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 21st Special Troops Battalion enjoyed food, fun and camaraderie Sept. 6 during an organizational day at Pulaski Park on Vogelweh Miliary Complex.

In attendance were members of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Quartermaster Detachment and the 266th Financial Management Support Center. Soldiers and their families enjoyed sunny weather while they played basketball, football, horseshoes and volleyball. Participants jumped in bouncy castles, sumo wrestled and climbed on playgrounds.

“Organizational days like today are important to any unit,” said Master Sgt. Kory L. Ysen, the 21st STB operations NCO in charge. “It’s great for Soldiers and their families to get out of the office, have something to eat together and enjoy a nice day like today.”

Throughout the day, “Always Ready” Soldiers and families enjoyed candy and snacks provided by the 21st STB ministry team and free soft drinks provided by the battalion. At noon, everyone enjoyed a meal of barbecued chicken, ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers before returning to the fun.

“There was some good food here, and it was a lot of fun,” said Kathy Hollingshead, wife of Spc. Joshua Hollingshead, a rigger assigned to the 5th QM Det. “Our son, Kallon, really enjoyed being in the bouncy castles.”

As the day ended, the command team from the 21st STB gave the Soldiers and families guidance on safety before sending them into the weekend. The battalion command sergeant major expressed his feelings of satisfaction with the event and plans for the future.

“I think today went extremely well. Everyone had fun,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Brian K. Mainor, the 21st STB command sergeant major. “We were blessed with some beautiful weather, and we built some camaraderie in the STB team. I really want to make this a quarterly event.”

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