Members assigned to the Ramstein Clinic can go to the Ramstein pharmacy to get the right over-the-counter medications without having to buy them by utilizing the Self-Initiated Care Kit Program.
Patients benefit from the program by receiving over-the-counter medicine without the cost or appointment.
“The objective of the S.I.C.K. program is to honor families’ time and resources by reducing appointments for over-the-counter medications,” said Maj. (Doc.) Tonya Mial, 86th Medical Group lead health care integrator.
This isn’t an ordinary get out of work sick card, this card gives members access to the over-the-counter medications they might not be able to get elsewhere.
“To obtain a card, an adult family member must attend a 20-minute class offered at the MDG twice a month. The class is also embedded into the Airman & Family Readiness Center’s spouses and newcomers’ orientation held every Monday,” Mial said.
Once members receive their cards, they are able to get a variety of over-the-counter drugs.
“Over-the-counter medications will be offered to aid in the self-care of colds, flu, fever, minor wounds, upset stomach, skin/eye irritations, etc,” Mial said. “The medications dispensed are some of the same medications that could be purchased at your local drug store or KMCC.”
A minimum of 15 medications will be offered, Mial said. A complete list is available at the pharmacy for people who qualify for the card.
“All Ramstein-enrolled beneficiaries can participate in the S.I.C.K. program,” Mial said. “Contractors, government service civilians and beneficiaries that get their care at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center are not eligible for the program at Ramstein.”
The program is also helping Airmen living in the dorms who don’t have ways to get the medications they
“I think the program (makes it easier) for those of us living in the dorms who can’t make it to the BX to get cold medicine or other medications if we are sick,” said Airman 1st Class Teresa Poucher, 86th Airlift Wing Knowledge Operations manager. “I think this program is great!”
For more information about the S.I.C.K. program or to schedule a program briefing, call at 479-2273 or 06371-46-2273.