Strong communities strengthen families: Be informed, be attentive, be supportive

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year across the Department of Defense, we are celebrating strong families and communities. The safety and well-being of children is not just a parent’s responsibility but a community responsibility. Communities that are strong and resilient help decrease child abuse and neglect. All branches of the military offer supportive services for military members and their dependents. Family Advocacy, in particular, is here to support parents and their children. Some ways we can strengthen our communities are by being informed, attentive and supportive.

Be Informed: Children do not come with a manual, and each child is different. Take advantage of the free parenting classes offered and support services such as the New Parent Support Program. Learn ways to increase parenting skills and decrease frustrations that arise while raising children.

Be Attentive: Children thrive in safe, stable environments. Parents can create safe and stable environments by establishing consistency and being involved. Even though children may push boundaries, they benefit from knowing what to expect. Setting up routines, establishing clear boundaries and following through provide children reassurance needed for safety.

Be Supportive: Every child wants to be accepted. Being involved in learning, activities and supporting interests, even if they are not our own, show children we accept and support them for who they are. Beyond our family, we can support each other as a community.

In an effort to support the Kaiserslautern Military Community, Ramstein Family Advocacy will be offering the following classes during the month of April.

  • Parenting with Love and Logic
    Discover ways of disciplining your child while providing love and empathy
  • Boot Camp for Dads
    New dads or soon-to-be new dads learn skills to assist with their new role as a father
  • 5 Love Languages of Children
    Discover what matters to your child most by learning their love language
  • Keeping Kids Safe: What Parents Need to Know About Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
    Become more aware and informed on how to keep your kids safe

For more information on the classes, contact Ramstein Family Advocacy at 06371 46 2370 or 479-2370. Register online for classes at

Everyone wins when we strengthen our own skills and support each other. Join us in our efforts to strengthen our communities and prevent child abuse and neglect.