Student Pilots: RAMS Students visit flight line, C-17

by Troy Guffy, Felipe Vasquez and Cody Cowan
seventh grade RAMS students

Seventh grade Ramstein Middle School science students went on an awesome field trip to the flight line to visit a C-17 airplane. 

“It was a big success – fun for kids and adults,” said science teacher Kristina Wiebe.

We were lucky because it was a learning experience that some kids never get to experience. 

The students learned about the load master, the pilots and how the cargo is transported.

Students got an up-close view of what it was like to be a pilot, as they sat in the pilot chairs with all the buttons and controls (we all wanted to push the shiny red button).

Students learned that the load master helps paratroopers jump off the plane, and they are safe to jump because of a special shaped panel and the wind resistance it creates. The plane uses ramps and wheels to load the trucks and cargo.

The engines weigh about 4,000 pounds, and even a feather could damage the engines. 

Luckily, the C-17 could probably run on one engine, but not very well – you’d want two to be sure. The C-17 can go as high as 56,000 feet before stalling.

Student Aaron Brooks thought it was a great field trip.

“My favorite part was the cockpit because of all the buttons,” he said.

The pilots have their own sleeping area that is by a catwalk where you can see the whole plane from the hatch above.

Our personal favorite was learning about the load master because he has such an important job of loading the cargo, and then we got to ride on the cargo lift of the plane.